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You will sometimes be advised to take emergency treatment for malaria with you when travelling to regions with a moderate risk. This is a treatment that you take with you, just in case you develop malaria despite the use of mosquito-repellent measures. Discuss with an expert doctor whether this is recommended for you.
Start the emergency treatment if you have fever and cannot consult a doctor within 24 hours.
Seek medical assistance as soon as possible, to be certain whether your symptoms are being caused by malaria or another illness and to be certain that you are taking the correct treatment.
The emergency treatment can also be used if the diagnosis has been made, but the locally available treatment may be inferior.
Atovaquone/proguanil (e.g. Malarone®)
Artemether/lumefrantine (Riamet®)
Please note that medicines containing only artemisinin and plant extracts with artemisinin are not sufficiently effective.
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