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This page contains the main health risks for travellers and general recommendations. Travel conditions are different for everyone and each patient's health condition varies. Discuss your trip during a travel consultation with your doctor or in a travel clinic, preferably six to eight weeks before departure.
Read also the information on security, healthcare and other practical aspects on the FPS Foreign Affairs website.
There is a risk of yellow fever.
Insects can transmit diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and zika.
Protect yourself against insects.
Ticks can transmit diseases.
Read these tips before you leave.
Yellow fever vaccination is recommended for all travellers for travellers visiting Trinidad and not recommended for cruise ship travellers only visiting Tobago.
This vaccination must be administered at least ten days prior to arrival by an official yellow fever vaccination centre.
Hepatitis A vaccination is recommended for all travellers.
Discuss with your doctor whether one of the following vaccinations is recommended for you:
Additional preventive tips may be useful for you:
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