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Wanda is a free travel medicine reference tool designed by the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp that informs travellers and professionals about health while travelling. Wanda contains health information and vaccination recommendations by country, as well as recommendations to reduce risks while travelling.
Advice on Wanda is general and does not replace a travel consultation. For personalised advice, please make an appointment at a travel clinic. The doctor will provide advice based on your health condition and the specific circumstances of your trip.
On Wanda, you'll find:
For doctors giving travel advice, there is a separate section with comprehensive disease sheets and detailed information in English. For travellers, there is also a mobile application in addition to the website, available for Android and iOS.
The app allows you to have all the info at your fingertips anytime, anywhere, even offline! Add a country to your destinations and receive push notifications for important updates related to your destination.
Wanda is a product of the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Antwerp, developed according to the vision of Mieke Croughs. It is based on information from the World Health Organisation (WHO), the opinions of the Superior Health Council, and guidelines prepared by the Belgian Study Group for Travel Medicine. The website and application came about with financing from the Flemish Department of Care.
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